Motion to Dismiss or Withdraw a Document

Rev. 03/20/2024

Fed. R. Civ. P. 41(a)(2)

A party may file a motion to dismiss or withdraw a pleading.

There is no hearing when the movant is the filer of the original pleading. However, the court will set a hearing when another party files the motion and the original movant does not agree to the request.

Click here for instructions for Notice of Withdrawal


Movant filed the pleading

KMS Cases

JAW Cases

Motion with Certificate of Service

Motion with Certificate of Service

Proposed Order

Proposed Order

Movant did not file the pleading

KMS Cases

JAW Cases

Motion with Certificate of Service

Motion with Certificate of Service

Set for Hearing

Set for Hearing

Proposed Order

Proposed Order

Docket Events

Motion to Dismiss a Pleading or Document

[Bankruptcy > Motions/Applications > Dismiss Pleading/Document]

[Adversary > Motions > Dismiss Pleading/Document]

Motion to Withdraw a Pleading or Document

[Bankruptcy > Motions/Applications > Withdraw Pleading/Document]

[Adversary > Motions > Withdraw Pleading/Document]

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U.S. Bankruptcy Court    Southern District of Mississippi